“A man cannot be comfortable without his own approval.” – Mark Twain
“You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection”  –  Buddha

“Most of us think of ourselves as thinking creatures that feel, but we are actually feeling creatures that think.”  –  Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor
“Self-care is never a selfish act—it is simply good stewardship of the only gift I have, the gift I was put on earth to offer to others.” – Parker Palmer

“When you recover or discover something that nourishes your soul and brings joy, care enough about yourself to make room for it in your life.” – Jean Shinoda Bolen

Morning Quotes
You’ll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine. — John C. Maxwell
Each morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most. — Buddha
The truth is we have great abilities inside of us. If you could learn anything in the world, what would it be? — Jim Kwik
When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive, to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love. — Marcus Aurelius
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined. — Henry David Thoreau
Presence is essential for your health. Close your eyes and breathe. You are here. — Deborah King
It is never too late to be what you might have been. — George Eliot
The only thing you can really change is your mind, yet that can change everything. — Jeffrey Allen
Someday is not a day of the week. — Denise Brennan-Nelson
It’s time to start living the life you’ve imagined. — Henry James

Morning Tips

One thing you can do is to start your day with Morning Motivation Quotes. They help in instilling positive thinking in the morning and thus fills your days with positivity. Those who are morning people know morning hours are a great time to move ahead of others and to become alive. If you are able to wake up before others, then you have time to plan your day, prioritize your tasks, and think about something creative in your free time. Waking up early sets you up for success!

So if you want to wake up healthy, motivated, and ahead in life, then follow these simple tricks now:

Get a good night sleep:
Well first things first, if you want to wake up happy and motivated then you need to hit the bed early as well. You can’t feel motivated when you are tired and have a lack of energy. On average, a person needs to receive about 7 1/2 hours of sleep to feel rested. According to Dr. Michael J. Breus, a person needs five sleep cycles per night. An average sleep cycle is 90 minutes. So take the time to carve out time to get enough sleep!

Set a soothing alarm:
Starting your day with a very loud and annoying sound can start you off on the wrong foot. There’s a chance you will stay irritated through your day. So instead of having some blaring alarm or annoying voice talk, set your alarm with your favorite song or some soothing sound. It will help you in staying motivated during the morning without feeling agitated from the beginning.

Don’t snooze your alarm:
No matter what you do, try to avoid hitting the snooze button in the morning. It is a bad habit and makes waking up so much harder. It is a psyche that if you hit the snooze button, your brain starts another sleep cycle which is difficult to break. Waking up during this new cycle can totally throw off your day!

Talk positively with yourself:
Don’t start your day with negative thoughts or irritation, it will spoil your mood for the whole day. Rather ask positive questions from yourself, such as ‘what am I excited about today?’ ‘I am so blessed to have a happy life’. these questions and quotes will help you in removing morning sluggishness and will keep you motivated in the morning.

Treat yourself with rewards:
Wake up knowing that you can treat yourself with something. Make yourself a delicious coffee and treat yourself with your favorite breakfast. These small rewards are a good incentive to get out of bed and start fresh. Having something you like as the first thing in the morning will keep you motivated and on a positive note throughout your day.

Morning is the most important time of your day, to start it with positivity!